Monday, July 27, 2009

R.I.P, Yasmin Ahmad...

I feel so sad...
once I read the news about the amazing ADOI director, Yasmin Ahmad pass away on 27/7/2009. She give us a lot of different kind of touching ads especially during festive season. This is the link show quick detail about her whole life legend toward advertising, movie, articles and commercial masterpieces. The most success movie which is 'Sepet' in 2004. She always contribute a lot of touching story and idea especially for the Petronas TVC ads that last for 3 minute long.

Yasmin is revered by the ad industry not only in Malaysia but also across the globe. In recent years, she also made a name for herself as an award-winning film director. Unlucky her legend is end and another 2months before I back to KL, due to the reason for suffering with strokes. I still remember the time I attend to her talk show during the Kancil Awards and DIGI Prize ceremony in Penang. She is totally BRILLIANT and GREAT!!!

We have lost a great people in Malaysia. Whoever watch her advertisement before will never forget how interesting storyline and wonderful moral bring to us. Her ideas always link to the humanity and never forget to unite all races in the advertisement. That is the most successful people in advertising that I very proud with and never forget.

Anyway, after today...
We will find difficult to watch and find many greatest and touching advertisement during any big festival in future. I hope that Malaysia advertisement will keep improving even Yasmin Ahmad is not with us anymore.

Remember, Yasmin Ahmad...
Your legend and memory will always keep in my mind. You are the person who give me the strong spirit and inspiration during my diploma period especially for creating ads assignment and poster. R.I.P, Yasmin Ahmad (1958-2009)

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